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Aliexpress Alternatives For Shopify Dropshipping - With Faster Shipping

The best aliexpress alternatives for shopify dropshipping, with faster shipping. I explain why finding a good alternative is crucial especially when scaling a product. Alternatives to Aliexpress give your business the ability to fulfil orders faster, provide better shipping times and better back end communication.

Why Switch From Aliexpress

  • Inconsistancy in supplier shipping times

  • Poor communication with the Aliexpress supplier when there are issues

  • Orders can randomly be cancelled on the back end and you wouldn't even know

  • No backend information or support when it comes to order logistics/package issues

  • Ordering on Aliexpress pushes up the order count on that listing, which will drive unwanted attention to your winning product.

Best Ali Alternatives For Scaling Winners

Option #1: Oprolo Dropshipping Fulfilment

  • Oprolo is a great option if you are just starting to scale a product and don't have much experience working with agents or scaling products in the past.

  • Their easy to use interface makes ordering the products in bulk very smooth and easy to do.

  • Their customer support is very fast and easy to communicate, which is absolutely crucial especially when you don't have much experience working with agents or fulfilment companies.

  • They offer competitive product pricing and can source pretty much any product you want.

  • Their shipping speeds are faster then Aliexpress and they also have several different shipping options to fit your needs.

  • They do pre inspections of the product before they are shipped out, making sure your inventory is in good condition before it is sent to your customers.

  • They offer options to hold inventory in warehouses in several different locations. This is great if you want to offer faster shipping times to certain countries, but should only be done if your confident in your product as getting any money for un sold inventory is pretty much a lost cause.

Option #2: CJ Dropshipping Fulfilment

  • This company is a great alternative to working with a traditional agent. Just like Oprolo they have a really good user interface that is easy to use a perfect for business owners that are just starting to learn how to work with agents.

  • They offer competative pricing for all product sourcing and can find pretty much any prouct your wanting to sell, their weekly newletters offer great insight into whats selling good for other businesses.

  • Their support team is very professional and easy to work with, agian this is crucial especially when scaling a winning product. You need support for you back end fulfillment as soon as possible, or you will be left with a lot of angry customers.

  • Several different shipping options are available with them to accomodate your business needs. I always recommend spending a little bit more to get faster shipping, building out a strong business presence requires good fast shipping.

  • The option of holding inventory at one of their many warehouses is great if you have a strong winning product and would like faster processing and shipping times. If you choose to use this option I always recommend using whatever resources available to get faster shipping times. So use this service if you have a confirmed winner!

Option #3: Zendrop Fulfilment

  • This again is another dropshipping platform as apposed to an independent agent The reason I'm recommending platforms is because the majority of people reading this are just starting to work with agents. When just starting to scale products and search beyond Aliexpress Silkraod is a good alternative.

  • They offer good shipping times for all products, giving your business several options to choose from. Again I always recommend trying to choose the somewhat faster shipping option, it will set you apart from your competition and really make you seam like an established business.

  • Product sourcing is available, meaning you can send them the Aliexpress link and they will be able to source the product for you. This is really convenient and easy to use, expecially with their user friendly interface.

  • They give the option to hold inventory just like the other two platforms, this is always a good option to take advantage of as it will give you faster processing and shipping times.

  • Having them hold inventory or source inventory for you will also result in better packaging and better product quality. Since they have more connections they can source the same product from several different suppliers and find the best quality version of that product.

  • Their customer support isn't the best, but it still is better then Aliexpress. When dealing with issues you can create tickets and get support with the problems your facing.

  • They send out good information of product that are available and sometimes give a good hint at what could be your next potential winner. You never know, look around and see you might just find another winner in their catelog.

Option #4: Private Agent *thejackyh*

  • This option is great if you have experience working with a private agent and are simply looking to find other agents out there to see what kind of shipping times and pricing you can get.

  • This agent is great to work with and is very proffesional, if you plan on working with them make sure you are professional and polite when you reah out for a business inquiry.

  • He can generally get much faster shipping times for all packages big or small, this is great if you are wanting to scale up your product.

  • They have a large warehouse and distribution system so they can definetly handle large volumes of orders.

  • Very easy to work with an integrate into your website, for order tracking updates and order information updates.

  • This again is an option if you have a confirmed winner, as all inventory needs to be ordered upfront so that they can pick, pack and ship it for you form their warehouses.

  • He is a great agent to work with, feel free to reach out using the link at the bottom. Again make sure you are polite and professional, also make sure you are clear on exactly what you want ei (shipping times, product, pricing)

Main Reasons To Scale With An Ali Alternative

  • Product sourcing at a lower price: When it comes to sourcing products the difference of 4 - 5 dollars is very large. Getting the product sourced at a lower price can give you the opportunity to undercut your competitions price and pull ahead.

  • Bulk ordering: This is curcial for backend inventory planning. Your accountant will also love you for this as it mean less paper work and easier to track records.

  • Efficient communication and ticket support: This will really help you when you run into issues with orders or questions regarding pricing and shipping options. We all know the struggle of trying to communicate with an Aliexpress supplier and there annoying replies (always saying "dear" at the begining) which for some reason always fealt belittling for me.

  • Faster shipping times: Not only will you get faster shipping times, you will most likely get a lot more options for shipping and packaging. This is great especially if you plan on rolling the store into a brand, this is how I always run my stores. They start off as dropshipping then I turn them into a brand.

  • Long term relationships: In business you need to understand that having good relationships, especially for backend systems is curcial. Working with Aliexpress suppliers is not a good way of planning for the future, you want to transition away and work with better suppliers that match your business needs.

  • Product branding and packaging options: Typically most agents will offer some kind of branding or package branding options. This is great if your planning on rolling the dropshipping store into a brand, having these options available ahead of time is good future planning.

  • Product inspection and quality control: With most agents, since they are ordering in bulk and holding inventory in their warehouses. They assume some of the product quality responsibility, therefor they will take additional steps to ensure the product and packaging is in good condition before the package is shipped out. Remember your busienss is a crucial part of their business, so ensuring your business is happy is important to them.

  • Efficient mass fulfillment: Easy to use one click ordering is pretty standard for most agensts. Some will require you to use a CV file, but either way these are all very affective and again you accountant will love you for it.

  • Easier money tracking: Having an agent makes money tracking much easier, you can see the amounts sent to the agent for the bulk inventory orders and thats it. Very simple and easy to keep record for your back end book keeping.

Main Things To Remember

  • When scaling a product, fast order fulfilment is one of the most crucial things. You don't want orders taking 3-4 days to be process before they are shipped.

  • Shipping speeds is another very important thing, ensuring packages are delivered in a reasonable time will cut down your customer complaints by 70%.

  • Make sure your product package quality is good, even if the product isn't damaged having shiity packaging will relfect the image that your company is shitty.

  • Maintain good communication with your supplier and customers, if there are logisitcs or packaging issues be sure to get the issue resolved as soon as possible and keep the customer informed.

  • Switch from Aliexpress as soon as possible! If you have a winner, you want to start looking for alternatives to Aliexpress as soon as possible. Even if you haven't scaled yet, ordering inventory and getting it ready at your agents warehouse takes time. You want to make sure this is done before you start scaling the product.

  • If it comes down to it, pay extra for faster shipping! Maintaining good customer feedback is curcial especially now days. The best way to have good customer feedback is ensuring they get their packages in a reasonable amount of time.

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Blog Key Words

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